Happy Holiday!

Thank you so much for your support this past year. It was a year of growth and change for sure. I'm so thankful to become a Yoga Tune Up® teacher. I've been teaching yoga over 13 years and really feel confident in helping others feel good in body and mind with these expanded skills in anatomy, pain management and physiology.  Also this year, I've expanded mobility in the workplace to a plant setting and launched a yoga inspired jewelry business. Thanks to all who understand and appreciate the intention of each piece. It brings me happiness to see others wear the designs. 

The online store for jewelry and therapy balls will be up soon. In the meantime, if you've seen something you want, drop me a line at yogawithloretta@hotmail.com. I accept paypal and square payment.

More info about Yoga Outreach Columbus is coming soon! I look forward to seeing you on Sunday Feb 21 2016!

Peace in!  Loretta